love is a porchetta sandwich

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Apparently 2011 is the year to get married.  Seven (yes, seven!) of my nearest & dearest are tying the knot this year. And not even one of the weddings is where I live.  Not that I’m complaining, mind you.  San Francisco, Savannah, Atlanta, Santa Barbara… it could definitely be worse.

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Especially considering that one of the weddings was held just down the street from my favorite sandwich of all time- the Porchetta Sandwich from Roli Roti.  Holding court at the Farmers Market at the San Francisco Ferry Plaza, the Roli Roti truck is an institution.  No other sandwich could make me happily wait in line for a full hour, without even sorta complaining.  Even with a nasty hangover.  Even while it’s raining.  Yup, it’s that un-freakin-believable.  And just in case you think I’m over-exaggerating, yelpers agree.  And we all know yelpers are never wrong.  : )

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Porchetta is a boneless pork roast that’s been heavily salted & seasoned with garlic, rosemary, fennel and other herbs.  Roli Roti cooks theirs on a rotisserie, which keeps the meat incredibly moist & juicy.  It also allows the ample skin on the roast to get super crispy.

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When the porchetta is done, they chop it up for sandwiches instead of slicing it.  That way, in each bite, you end up with a combination of the flavorful, juicy meat & pieces of the crunchy bacon-like skin.  Not to mention the caramelized-onion marmalade & the peppery greens.  And don’t even get me started on that crusty french bread.

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So there you have it.  Welcome to my own personal heaven!  If you’re gonna be in San Francisco, promise me you’ll go try one.  If you don’t, I’ll never forgive you.

The accidental glutton

2 responses to “love is a porchetta sandwich”

  1. One question… When are we going back to San Fran?? I need one now!!

  2. strongconfidentbravegirl Avatar

    So going there next week when I’m on Mid term break that sounds so delicious and I was planning on visiting San Fran for my break anyways thanks for the tip.

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